Friday, July 6, 2012

getting back on the horse

Quilting seemed to be going well...

The second pieced border was going well...

Then the 3rd border suddenly rebelled with monstrous waves...Rather than let it dictate what it wanted to do, I decided to slice it off and use only two borders plus the binding.

I cut off everything except the last eighth inch, which will be enclosed in the binding seam.  Problem solved.
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Ms. said...

I hate to admit it--but I have an extreme case of Janome jealousy!

BJ said...

I don't blame you one bit! It's a wonderful machine. I saved $$$ and my sweet hubby donated some $$...then my daughter made me a loan. I was able to get 'little Red' while it was being liquidated by a sewing machine company that is closing because the owner is retiring. It was a case of me being in the right place at the right time. I'm still learning the wondrous things it will do!