Adventures with Thread
following the thread, seeing where it leads me...
Monday, August 12, 2013
decisions, decisions -- fabrics for blocks 34, 35, 36, 37
Deciding which fabrics to include in the 100 modern quilt blocks has been fun --- sometimes bewildering --- but always fun. Taking ideas from Tula Pink's book, but putting my own twist on combinations, has been a true learning experience. Again I'm leaning on the idea that the fabric colors don't always have to match, they just have to 'go'. That pushs the OCD into the "WTH am I thinking?" area, but that makes for an exciting mind expanding challenge. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013
Modern blocks 28, 29, 30 and 31
Pulling fabrics from my stash for the "100 Modern Quilt Blocks" by Tula Pink has been a true learning experience. I'm still leaning on the idea that it doesn't have to matchy-matchy, it just has to 'go' in "let go -- go with the flow -- Go, Baby Go" etc.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tula Pink Modern Block 26
Tula Pink Modern Block 25
I've been working my way through Tula Pink's "100 Modern Quilt Blocks"....and I'm lovin' it! I'll post blocks 1-24 a little later. My precious machine was in the shop for awhile but I'm finally caught up with other quilters who are posting their blocks at
Monday, July 22, 2013
conversations with Self
While pulling fabrics from my stash, there are conversations with Self. They are befuddling to say the least. Self has a better color eye than I do. I pull the brownish leafy fabric and I like it. But Self says "Nope. Check out pretty dark swirly that you have been FOREVER." I say "Fine" and think that it will never match. But deep inside I know that fabrics don't always have to match....they just have to 'go'. So I pull the dark swirly. And, you know, Self was right. I need to listen to Self.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Christmas was late...or maybe is early...
Friday, October 12, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
pumpkins, lemons, lemonade
I don't want to be a blogger who only posts projects that come out as planned. I believe that pobody is nerfect. So I'm showing these adjacent quilt blocks. Notice My intent was to stipple around the pumpkins so that after washing they would 'poof' up. I guess it's a case of not seeing the forest for the trees when I began stitching inside the pumpkin outline on the top pumpkin. So instead of ripping it out, I though I'd continue and let this particular pumpkin be a little know, like real pumpkins in a patch aren't all alike. I guess you could say I made lemonade out of the lemon/pumpkin square. Hum-m-m....lemon pumpkin squares sounds like something I might find in my recipe box. 
Friday, September 7, 2012
pumpkin puffs
I'm doing some small stippling stitches around the pumpkin outline, making them puffy. Hopefully they'll puff even more after the quilt is washed. I chose a low loft batting so the finished quilt wouldn't be too heavy for Alannah. Seven pumpkins are finished with eight to go. Then I can cut the plaid binding and have the quilt finished soon. I'm finally getting the hang of free motion quilting on my Janome machine (which I love)!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Halloween "Boo" quilt
Blogger is acting up (it might be me), so I haven't posted in a week...but I have been quilting. Right now I'm working on the Halloween "Boo" quilt for my granddaughter. She'll be 5 this October and I hope that she grows to like Halloween as much as her Mommy and I do. I'm using 'stitch in the ditch' as the square outline and later I'll add pumpkins in the center of the orange squares. I'm still getting used to my Janome machine...I love it more every time I use it. I actually started pieceing this top last October after I picked up the black and orange "Boo" fabric. So it has been an UFO for awhile. Thanks to Leah Day at for nudging me into finishing it.
Monday, August 27, 2012
It's a gorgeous day in Tunnel Hill
It's a gorgeous day in Tunnel Hill! I decided to take the log cabin quilt for a photo shoot. My friend, Sandra, helped me drape it over a rustic fence. It's 115"x115" so it's hard to handle -- at least for me, since I'm barely 5 feet tall. I managed to climb onto the lower railing to hoist it over the top. Workers were busy getting the grounds ready for the annual "Battle of Tunnel Hill" Civil War reenactment set for September 8th and 9th. The 82 acres are lovely with rolling meadows and woods.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Summersville quilt idea
I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw the chance to grab colored pencils and visit the little town of "Summersville". I'm making up little stories as I go...wondering who's driving the bus or the tractor and who lives in the three blue houses. I'll start cutting into this layer cake soon after I get the Halloween quilt a little further along.
Friday, August 17, 2012
life's a circus ... and why I don't grow marigolds
Friday, August 10, 2012
place holder...
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
monster log cabin and its binding
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
13 strips
It's just past 9:00 pm, and I'm sewing 13 strips together for my log cabin quilt binding. I wish I knew why I tackled sewing this dark fabric at night (maybe I like a challenge?). The quilt finished at 115"x115"...and that's a lot of binding, especially since I'll be stitching it by hand. It's a Christmas present for my daughter and her dear hubby.
Monday, August 6, 2012
smells like pickles
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
to be finished...
I used Pat Sloan's "Crooked Cabins" book as inspiration. This won't be my last crooked cabin quilt.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
cats on parade
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