Monday, August 27, 2012

It's a gorgeous day in Tunnel Hill

It's a gorgeous day in Tunnel Hill!  I decided to take the log cabin quilt for a photo shoot.  My friend, Sandra, helped me drape it over a rustic fence.  It's 115"x115" so it's hard to handle -- at least for me, since I'm barely 5 feet tall.  I managed to climb onto the lower railing to hoist it over the top.  Workers were busy getting the grounds ready for the annual "Battle of Tunnel Hill" Civil War reenactment set for September 8th and 9th.  The 82 acres are lovely with rolling meadows and woods. 
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Ms. said...

MONUMENTAL ACCOMPLISHMENT...AND THE PERFECT SETTING! (Not shouting-just got caught in caps :-)

BJ said...

I get EXCITED when someone else gets excited about something I've posted :o) Yes, I feel like it's been in the works for a long time but at least now it's finished. It's a Christmas present for my daughter and her hubby. They know about it, but just haven't seen it put together yet. The property in the photo is quiet and quite beautiful...the perfect place for photos.

MulticoloredPieces said...

Hi, bj. Your Log Cabin is gorgeous, so dramatic--perfect! And the photo is lovely, nice setting.
best, nadia

BJ said...

Nadia, thanks for the sweet comment :o) This is the largest quilt I've ever made, but I learned so much. The setting for the photo is on 82 acres of beautiful meadows and woods, and is just 2 miles from my home. I like to visit your Multicolored Pieces blog and see what creative things you're working on. Thanks for visiting :o) bj