Saturday, September 15, 2012

pumpkins, lemons, lemonade

I don't want to be a blogger who only posts projects that come out as planned.  I believe that pobody is nerfect.  So I'm showing these adjacent quilt blocks.  Notice  My intent was to stipple around the pumpkins so that after washing they would 'poof' up.  I guess it's a case of not seeing the forest for the trees when I began stitching inside the pumpkin outline on the top pumpkin.  So instead of ripping it out, I though I'd continue and let this particular pumpkin be a little know, like real pumpkins in a patch aren't all alike.  I guess you could say I made lemonade out of the lemon/pumpkin square.  Hum-m-m....lemon pumpkin squares sounds like something I might find in my recipe box.  
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Ms. said...

variation is the soul of invention.

BJ said...

I agree! It's easy to fret about something that's not quite right, not quite as it should be. But those happy little accidents are perfect in their own way...they make us smile :o)

Kathy said...

I think it turned out great!! No two alike:) Come join me at

BJ said...

Thanks, Kathy :o) I visited your blog and all I can say is "Wow! You certainly are a busy lady with lots of cool ideas!" I'll stop back in again :o)